I started taking one drop in the morning, increased to two by night, then three the next morning and so on until day 10. I had finally reached the max dose of 15 drops, and then my body reached it's tolerance level. I had a headache that did not go away, nausea and the runs for 24 hours. I stopped taking MMS at this point. I went online to try to understand what happened. I slowly increased, double and triple checked my components...Huh!
What I learned was that was all my body could manage to process until I got the reverse effect. I haven't been able to do the maintenance dose, as even thinking about after 10 days, still gives me a nausea reflex action.
The day after, maybe two I came out of it thinking whatever. But then I realized as I spun my daughter around in circles, lifting her the day through, that I had in fact no arthritis pain! It didn't really dawn on me until the sickness left completely, and I had a moment to reflect. I too account, yes my back was aching from my previous injury, but the throbbing ache, gone. Joint pain, hmmm no nothing, and my neck, stiff from over working out, but no rheumatoid or degenerative continual pains.
SO of course I am still waiting for an on set, thinking, maybe it's working as a placebo, but here 10 days since taking it, I am grave pain free. If by chance it does come back, I will take MMS again for 10 days, and not reach full dose. Just in case!
At this time I am enjoying life with great force and vengeance, taking each giant stride to the next task, ad ticking everything off my list while I can!