MMS is the name of the cure, discovered by Jim Humble on a mining contract in South America when members of his crew got sick with malaria, and help was a 2 day journey away. His theory went into play and he used "stabilizing oxygen" a liquid solution of sodium chlorite in a very small quantity, and after a few hours cured his staff. Since then he has put his experimental treatment to the test, and found that it works with the acid levels of your stomach. Now he had devised a formula to perfect the potency of the mixture. His goal was to have this cure readily available to anyone in the world at a small cost for curing disease, by purifying the water in your body. If this went a medical discovery route it would be very expensive.
I truly believe that natural products need to be addressed when it comes to cures. The only way they get government approval if the big corporations can make huge amounts of profits on them. Or else they get vetoed by the medical industry. They are not in the business of finding cures but making money on drugs you take.
I have been taking it for 2 days now. I am wondering if the placebo is taking effect or if it is actually working. Cross your fingers that I don't die in a crazy comma, my body having it's own effects on medicine and potency, and I just end up clean as a whistle!
The way it works is exactly the same way you clean your pool. If you eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses from the water it is safe to swim. In the body the theory applies to the water content of your body, if I understand correctly, eventually I won't have any disease. Arthritis is the main thing I want rid of. But minor brain defects if they are viral also may be cured ;)
So cross your fingers and wish me luck the adventure begins!