A quick update on the Hamori's....Our biointensive garden is being set up!! It's loads of work, but the second round of baby plants have sprouted in the green house!! (First round all died but mom helped me out, thank god!!)
Compost looks great from last year and learing all about canning. It should be an interesting change to the family. Learning all about veggies and fruit, hothouses, and sustaining throughout the year.... Big goal, but up until now we only have grown enough produce for about 3 months out of the year....
Also our desil vans from our recycling company are able to going greener!! Yes they can use biodesil...Alfonz has jumped on board. Poor guy, I keep asking the family to stop flushing the toilets and running the water when brushing their teeth and now this!! Oh well, green starts here, in our homes. An that is the true activist. One that changes what they can, now!!
I also have a new organic rule of buying from local farmers, around here. Why in the world did we travel outside SouthSurrey or WhiteRock or South Langley, when we have beautifully grown eggs, ethically raised beef just around the corner. I am also starting to support local businesses in the same fashion. Save on fuel, pay the extra cost, buy only what you need and we are still saving money!!
I have to say the garden wasn't my idea. I stole it from Sherrin from my mother's group...because my garden wasn't very efficient, too small to produce my plans. But the biointensive method allows the smallest garden to mass produce....oh yah and no chemicals....soap and water....and pulling the bugs off....not for the squeemish...
Okay people, photos to follow...
loads of hugs and kisses,
I'm Eva and that's Hamori!!