Monday, July 12, 2010

If you found yourself on a deserted Island, who would you choose to keep you company? It's an old question we like to contemplate. Do you choose your lovely spouse whom you already work so well with, and know like the back of your hand, or do you choose someone famous and knowledgeable to learn from? Who could sustain your interest on those long days on the Island with nothing to do?
Some choose Jesus, but you would have to learn his language, would take up years just to get that down, not to mention getting used to his powers of dinner just appearing, and walking on water, might take some of the fun out of learning to survive on that floating mound. And even if you spent years listening and learning, who would listen and learn from you. Jesus couldn't possible learn a thing from me, and having an equal relationship with someone may be more interesting.

But I already know my husband...hmmm

So what about an interesting person you don't know well, but someone so totally different that you may learn from one another. Someone good looking, of course we all have our needs, and maybe someone that could challenge you to try to get off the Island.

Einstein may be a good choice. Picking each others mind, I can catch him up to date on all the invention he doesn't know about. My goodness, imagine teaching him about the common things we take for granted, but then there's always the question about those cold night under the stars....cuddling up to Albert might not be the most favourable option.

Elvis would be fun for a while, but the one genre of music may get to me after a week, and even though the nights might be fun, he doesn't seem the type to hold my attention.

Leonardo Decaprio. Smart and hot, totally different from me, might be a good match. ;)

Just kidding I would pick Alfonz! He can chop the wood, I can forage for food, he still has loads to teach me, and I am never bored. It's the right combo of yin and yang. I just hope the Island is just big enough to get away from each other when we fight, so we can make up after! I guess even on the Island this rule applies.

Oh wait! after rereading this I decided I want them all! Now that would be an interesting Island to live on. Elvis could entertain, Leo and Alfonz would be buddies, and Albert and I can figure out how to get off the Island. I realize I changed the rules of the game, but I want it all! It is my Island and my fantasy after all!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer is finally here 2010

Wow what a day! Hot steam off pavement, whittling flowers in the sun, sweaty friends stopping by for a drink, and my favourite; tired kids resting in their rooms while I have a moment of peace.
Made roast duck for Tracy's 40th dinner and the weather turned hot so fast I almost threw the duck in the BBQ! Could you have imagined the disaster!

SInce my last entry we have been waiting for a change in the weather. Endless straight days of rain, grey clouds and gloom. I guess we can stop building the arch for now.
July 5th starts it off and we finally feel good summer heat.

I often wonder where life goes from here. The perfect neighbourhood, 2 wonderful lively children, a garden I love (thanks Alfonz and Adrian) and people around me I learn from continually. But did I miss something? Are we settling for an ideal to pacify ourselves from the world we live in. With all these crazy things happening around us, I often wonder if we are doing enough. Yes we recycle, and reuse, conserve, blah blah, blah but are those to keep us off the real track? Did we miss something so big we can not even imagine it?

For now I garden. Tomorrow we will see were the path takes us. Bigger life changing moments I am sure. :)